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News for expats on COVID-19 - update 06.05.2020
The Spanish government hopes today in parliament to obtain the fourth extension of the state of emergency to the 24th of May. It seems very difficult to get enough support, but according to the President, to get to the end of the phases of the de-escalation plan, it is necessary to extend the state of emergency so that at the end of June, the country can be re-opened to the new normality.
From Monday, 11th of May, it is expected that most of the provinces can pass to phase “1”. If there are provinces that cannot pass, it will be because the evolution of the virus is still negative.
In phase “1” bars and restaurants can open their terraces up to 50% of their capacity and can accommodate groups of up to 10 people, but always keeping the social distance. Hotels and campsites can open again, but the commun areas can not be used. Places of worship can also open their doors again, but access can only be given to a third of the capacity.
Currently, the shopping centers will remain closed until the 25th of May when phase “2” of the de-escalation plan will be initiated.