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News for expats on COVID-19 - update 20.05.2020
Today the Government has been granted by the Parliament another 15 days of extension, until the 7th of June, for the state of emergency we are in. This means, that we continue with all measures imposed so far. Today is also the day that all Autonomous Regions must submit their applications to the Ministry of Health to see if passing to the phase 2 on Monday 24th of May will be approved; this will always depend on evolution of each Region.
We can now also inform that from tomorrow, 21st of May, the use of mouthmasks is obliged on the street and in closed areas where the safety distance cannot be maintained and it will be obliged for all people from 6 years on and failure to comply with this rule could result in a sanction.
For people who will practice sports outside it will not be obliged to wear a mouthmask. Wearing a mouthmask is also not obliged for people with breathing difficulties.
News that has caught our attention, is that the Townhalls on the coast of the province are designing systems to access the beach and enjoy it from July on. One of the plans to access the beach is by appointment. We will keep informing about this...