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News for expats on COVID-19 - update 12.06.2020
This week, the Council of Ministers approved a legislative decree that will lay the foundation for the new normality which includes the obligation to wear mouthmasks on the public roads where social distance cannot be kept and failure to do so can result in fines of up to 100€. The legislative act establishes a series of urgent fixed prevention, control and coordination measures to be started from phase 3 of the de-escalation plan by the autonomous Regions and Townhalls.
The Minister of Health has emphasized that we must learn to live with the coronavirus, because it has not disappeared and the possibility of infection is still real. That is why absolute responsibility is asked off all people.
On the 10th of June, the measures to be followed in the new normality were published in the BOE (State Bulletin); measures that will remain in effect until there is an effective medicine or vaccine. These measures take effect when the state of emergency ends, which will be on the 21st of June.
Some of these measures are:
- Health care will have to perform a diagnostic test if there are cases with suspicious symptoms.
- Every autonomous region has the obligation to guarantee sufficient professionals who can make the diagnosis.
- Personal information must be collected from each person who have been tested, to be able to locate them.
- If the social distance of 1,5 meters (before 2 meters) between persons cannot be guaranteed, wearing mouthmasks is obliged and hygiene measures will also be a mandatory in the new normality.
- All premises must continue to follow certain preventive measures.
- The availability and supply of mouthmasks, gels and other products necessary for the protection of health of the people must be guarenteed by the autonomous regions.
- Airports must have all the necessary to ensure the sanitary controls on the entry of passengers of international flights.
Next Monday the 15th of June, the Comunidad Valenciana will pass to phase 3. In this final phase of the de-escalation plan, there will be no timetables to go outside for any group, although all security measures remain in effect, especially for vulnerable persons.
Terraces can open up to 75% of their capacity and discotheques and night clubs can reopen as long as one third of their capacity is not exceeded and the dance floors must remain closed. Hotels and tourist accommodation can open their communal areas, but more than 50% of their capacity is not allowed.
Shops and department stores, may also not exceed 50% of their capacity and this capacity limit also applies to cinemas, theaters and auditoriums where you must book in advance.
It will be possible to circulate through the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellón, so through the entire Comunidad Valenciana, but at this time it is not yet allowed to go to other autonomous regions until the emergency has already ended in Spain which will be on the 22nd of June, when the new normality begins.
The European Commission wants Spain to open its borders on the 15th of June, just like many other EU countries, but the government has said that it is not logical to do this because the free circulation for the inhabitants of Spain start on the 22nd of June and therefore they continue to stick to their plan and the borders will be opened on the 1st of July.
Tourist coming to Spain must also comply to all imposed measures; where necessary you have to wear a mouthmask and always keep the social distance of 1,5 meters.
If you are coming on holiday to Spain this summer or if you are coming to your second home, please be aware that you are a guest and that the applicable rules and measures must be followed with respect, as it is the same for all people.