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1 May 2020
News for expats on COVID-19 - update 01.05.2020

News for expats on COVID-19 - update 01.05.2020

The Minister of Health finally announced yesterday, that tomorrow 2nd of May, one can go outside to practice individuals sports or go for a walk, but only with strict measures as we’re still in a state of emergency.
The “social distance” of 1,5-2 meters must be maintained. It is not obliged to wear mouth-masks while you practice individual sport, but it is highly recommended and the same applies to the elder people.
The elderly can take a walk with someone they live with. In villages and towns with more than 5000 inhabitants, there are specific hours.
Persons from 14 years old and more are allowed to have a walk or paractice individual sports between  6-10 am and 8-11 pm.
Persons with limited mobility and  people older than 70 years, between 10-12 am and between 7-8 pm.
Children up to 14 years accompanied by an adult between 12 am–7pm.
In villages with less than 5000 inhabitants, it is allowed to do this the whole day, so between 6 am until 11pm.

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